by katheryn Langelier March 04, 2021
Family: Lamiaceae
Part used: Leaves, flowering tops
Energetics: Spicy, pungent, warm, neutral
Actions: Antispasmodic, carminative, diaphoretic, nervine, sedative (mild)
Catnip is a must on this farm, and not just to keep our four farm cats happy. Their names are Skeletor, Battlecat, Covergirl and Megababy, and they’d for sure revolt if we were to ever stop growing this tasty mint. I love using this herb for colds, flus and especially in children’s formulas. I like to add it to formulas for anxiety, sleep issues, tension headaches. PMS and menstrual cramps for its medicinal properties and for its mild mint taste. It can also be helpful for stress related digestive issues. Catnip is easy to grow from seed and transplants. I harvest the leaves and flowers throughout the growing season to dry for teas and tinctures.
Contraindications: None known.
by katheryn Langelier March 10, 2021
by katheryn Langelier March 10, 2021
by katheryn Langelier March 09, 2021