by katheryn Langelier February 20, 2021
Family: Lamiaceae
Part used: Flowers
Energetics: Bitter, cooling, fragrant
Actions: Analgesic (topical), antidepressant, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, antispasmodic, anxiolytic carminative, nervine, nootropic
Lavender is an aromatic perennial that makes a gorgeous border and is well loved by the bees and other local pollinators. I harvest the flowering spikes during the summer to dry for tea, baking, elixirs, syrups, oils and herb bundles. There are so many lovely ways to work with lavender. It’s a wonderful herb to use on its own or in formulas for stress induced depression, anxiety, nervous exhaustion, and headaches. I also like adding it to blends for sleep and digestive issues like gas, bloating and nervous stomach issues like IBS.
Contraindications: None known.
Check out our: Lavender Body Oil
by katheryn Langelier March 10, 2021
by katheryn Langelier March 10, 2021
by katheryn Langelier March 09, 2021