by Katheryn Langelier February 10, 2021
Family: Astereceae
Part used: Leaf
Energetics: Warm + dry
Actions: Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anti-inflammatory, Antimalarial, Antioxidant, Antispasmodic, Antiviral, Bitter, Carminative, Cholagogue, Diaphoretic, Emmenagogue, Expectorant, Hemostatic, Nervine, Uterine tonic.
I find Mugwort to be intriguing, maybe even a bit seductive. It's a plant I like to use to dive deep into unknown parts, blurring the lines of reality and helping me to tap into the deep subconscious. Mugwort is a lovely warming and bitter herb that can be helpful for moving cold, stagnant energy. As an antispasmodic warming bitter and carminative, it can be supportive to the digestive system, helping relieve stomach aches and gas. Mugwort is also used to balance irregular menstrual cycles, and can be helpful in relieving menstrual related fluid retention. As a nervine it can help relieve headaches, nerve pain, anxiety, ADHD, and sleep issues, especially those related to PMS and Menopause. Mugwort infusions can also be used topically as a wash on itchy, red, and oozing skin conditions.
Contraindications: Avoid use during pregnancy. Avoid if taking Warfarin, anticoagulants, blood thinners, or salicylates.
by katheryn Langelier March 10, 2021
by katheryn Langelier March 10, 2021
by katheryn Langelier March 09, 2021