by katheryn Langelier February 09, 2021
Family: Urticaceae
Part used: Leaves, roots, seeds
Energetics: Salty, cool, dry
Actions: Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, astringent (mild), diuretic, nutritive
Nettles is the plant that I dream of all winter long. I eagerly await for the snow to melt and make way for the nutrient-dense young leaves of nettles. I love eating the young leaves in the spring and harvesting the plant throughout the season to dry for tea, oils, soup stocks and vinegars. Regular use of nettles will support the adrenal system and nourish the kidneys and heart. Nettles have been known to boost energy levels and balance blood sugar levels. Nettles are also helpful with chronic skin issues, such as eczema and psoriasis, and I also like to use nettle-infused vinegar as a hair rinse.
Contraindications: Contact with the leaves may cause a rash; also use caution if taking digoxin or lithium.
by katheryn Langelier March 10, 2021
by katheryn Langelier March 10, 2021
by katheryn Langelier March 09, 2021