by Amy Bley January 08, 2025
From the Herbal Revolution Newsletter - 1.7.25
"These early days in January, as I take my morning walks around the farm with Lita, I’ve been thinking about how 2025 marks my 15th year of running Herbal Revolution. On our walk, I can see visions of the past 15 years. Seeing the ones that have come to fruition and the ones that still exist in my dreams. I can see past seasons, past plant bed rows, past gardens and plants, and all the amazing people who have been part of the Herbal Rev team. I have gratitude for it all.
I can also see all of you!
I’m so grateful for all the support that Herbal Revolution has received over the years. Some of you have been here since the beginning and others are just discovering us today, wherever you are in your journey with Herbal Rev, thank you for being a part of this business and herbal community!
Fifteen years ago, I started this mighty little business. It was 2010. I was working three different jobs and hustling Herbal Revolution at farmers markets, events and doing cold calls to stores in my free time. I was living in a log cabin in Lincolnville Maine, growing a 1+ acre garden on my neighbors’ land and wild harvesting in magical places around the state of Maine.
At this point in my life, I had been doing outdoor education, farming and working with plant medicine for close to 15 years. I was deeply connected and committed to working with the land and wanted to have a greater impact on my community. I wanted to work with people around health self-reliance with the support of bio-regional plant medicine.
From this passion came, Herbal Revolution.
In my personal life, I was dealing with low immune response as a result of chronic Lyme disease. So, I decided to make myself two different mushroom blends to support my immune system. One blend for the cold and flu season and another to support my body year round. These formulas had a profound effect on me and later went on to become Herbal Revolution’s well loved, Elderberry + Mushroom and Roots Elixir and Mushroom + Roots Elixir, two of my favorites still to this day.
Mushroom medicine is a mystical process. A process that I took my time with and took years to learn and cultivate. Back then, I was foraging all the mushrooms, gathering them, preparing them, cooking them for hours/days on a wood stove. Tasting them. Blending them and creating with them. Thinking back to this time leaves me feeling mystical, magical and beautiful. All the ingredients I needed at the time to start a business.
As I look to the path behind me with reverence and gratitude, I look ahead with ease and grace to what the future holds. I’ve begun to settle into honoring my feelings for change. Over the next year, I plan to take time to nurture the metamorphosis and vision of the next chapter for Herbal Revolution.
How will this affect you? Not much really. We just ask that you stay curious with us as we explore new label looks, new logos and new products and ideas. As a small farm and business, we still need your support to keep us going. We LOVE making farm to bottle, whole-plant medicine for all of you and want to make sure we can continue to do that. It’s a symbiotic relationship.
In the meantime, Herbal Revolution will not only continue to do business as usual supplying you with all your herbal needs, we also plan to Celebrate! That’s right, it’s time to celebrate this little business and all of you!!...over the entire 2025 year!
Over the course of the next 12 months we will be celebrating each month of 2025 with something new and special. These special monthly drops will include: small batch herbal products, new label designs, blogs and stories of the last 15 years, collaborations with other bad ass businesses, and in-person and online workshops.
To start the Celebrations off, I’m offering an in-person White Pine Medicine workshop on January 18th in Union and be sure to check out this Thursday’s newsletter, where we will be dropping a new, small-batch release!
Thank you all so much for supporting this farm to bottle herbal business.
Wishing you all a safe, healthy and abundant 2025!"
xo Kathi
To stay informed on all of the upcoming Celebratory Drops this year, we invite you to sign up for our weekly Newsletter!
by Amy Bley March 12, 2025
To celebrate Women’s History Month (and International Women’s Day) we’d like to introduce you to our fabulous team… with a QUIZ!!!